

世纪互联 cloudex 刘黎明

狭义云计算是指IT基础设施的交付和使用模式,指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所需的资源(硬件、平台、软件)。 提供资源的网络被称为“云”。“云”中的资源在使用者看来是可以无限扩展的,并且可以随时获取,按需使用,随时扩展,按使用付费。这种特性经常被称为像水电一样使用IT基础设施。



网格计算是指分布式计算中两类比较广泛使用的子类型。一 类是,在分布式的计算资源支持下作为服务被提供的在线计算或存储。另一类是,一个松散连接的计算机网络构成的一 个虚拟超级计算机,可以用来执行大规模任务。该技术通常 被用来通过志愿者计算解决计算敏感型的科研、数学、学术 问题,也被商业公司用来进行电子商务和网络服务所需的后 台数据处理、经济预测、地震分析等。

网格计算强调资源共享,任何人都可以做为请求者使用其它节点的资源,任何人都需要贡献一定资源给其他节点。网格计算强调将工作量转移到远程的可用计算 资源上。云计算强调专有,任何人都可以获取自己的专有资源,并且这些资源是 由少数团体提供的,使用者不需要贡献自己的资源。在云计算中,计算资源被转 换形式去适应工作负载,它支持网格类型应用,也支持非网格环境,比如运行传 统或 Web2.0 应用的三层网络架构。 网格计算侧重并行的计算集中性需求,并且难以自动扩展。云计算侧重事务性应 用,大量的单独的请求,可以实现自动或半自动的扩展。





思科UCS ,刀片服务器?不,云计算


首先,让我们说,思科公司描述UCS :

你看不到任何像服务器或刀片这样的词汇?是的!为什么?因为UCS绝不仅是一个服务器或刀片服务器。这是一个解决方案,建立下一代数据中心的解决方案。你可以看到更多信息,思科wesite http://www.cisco.com/en/US/solutions/collateral/ns340/ns517/ns224/ns944/white_paper_c11-522754.html,上面说了什么?虚拟化,缩放,动态的规定,Hypervisor优化等等。

不是很清楚,是吗?再去找一份关于思科云战略,是的,统一计算,私有云, 可交互云。现在,你是不是知道,思科公司进入了云计算市场,所以决定做统一计算系统。



世纪互联 cloudex 刘黎明


Cisco UCS,Blade Server? No, cloud computing

Cisco published UCS last month, and every one surprised: oh, cisco enters the server market. Really?No, cisco enters cloud computing market. Let me explain it.
First let us say how cisco describe UCS:
The Cisco Unified Computing System is the next-generation data center platform. Designed to improve IT responsiveness to rapidly changing business demands, it accelerates the delivery of new services simply, reliably, and securely, through end-to-end provisioning and migration support for both virtualized and non-virtualized systems.
The Cisco Unified Computing System delivers the next step in the Data Center 3.0 vision. It unifies network, compute, storage access, and virtualization resources in a cohesive system to:
Reduce total cost of ownership
Increase business agility
Improve productivity

Based on industry standards, the Unified Computing System is designed to:
Streamline data center resources
Scale service delivery
Radically reduce the number of devices requiring setup, management, power/cooling, and cabling

Do you see any words like Server or Blade? No! Why? Because UCS is not only a server or a blade server. It is a solution to build next generation data center. And you can see more information on the cisco wesite http://www.cisco.com/en/US/solutions/collateral/ns340/ns517/ns224/ns944/white_paper_c11-522754.html, virtualization, scaling, dynamic provision, hypervisor optimization.

Not very clear, yes? No matter, find another paper on the cisco cloud strategy, yes, unify computing, private computing, inter-cloud. Now, you get it, cisco enter the cloud computing market, and cisco decide to do it from unify computing system.

By the way, cloud computing push compute and storage capacity to internet-access, and this need more network bandwidth, and , need more switches, routers.




四月16日,Xen.org宣布Xen 3.4 RC2 。在四月21日, Xen.org发出Xen 4.0功能收集请求, 将在近期为Xen 3.4最终发布进行测试,现在是时候来提交您的功能要求了。

因此,3.4版的Xen 将会在在今年发布,你了解xen3.3 么?也许您已经使用了一些重要的功能xen3.3 :内存超额分配,VT-d设备直连等等。

但是你会看到一个更加伟大的版本xen4.0 ,你可以期望得到的功能:加速的虚拟机网络,更好的迁移控制, VM硬件容错检查,支持OVF, GPU的虚拟化,USB 2.0支持,虚拟机内存和磁盘LVM快照。

很好,是吗?你知道,Xen来自剑桥的XenoServer, XenoServer源于希腊词“ ” o&” (xenos),意思是外围的或未知的,就像XenoServers所做的。你也知道,Xen已经成为最有名的虚拟化开放源码软件。

最后,你知道吗?Xen已经有了一个正在崛起的竞争者KVM ?

--世纪互联 cloudex 刘黎明

Open source virtualization project-Xen

Virtualization is not the “must have” property for cloud computing infrastructure, but it always is. And actually, virtualization accelerate the appearance of cloud computing.

For open source, for economic, xen is a excellent project to build a cloud computing infrastructure, but besides guys who build the infrastructure, many user or engineer don’t familiar with this project, although it is really very important for virtualization and cloud computing.

At Apri 16, Xen.org published xen 3.4 rc2,.At Apri 21, Xen.org send a Xen 4.0 Feature Requests, Xen 3.4 in test for final release shortly, it is time to submit your feature requests for the next release.

So xen will release 3.4 this year I think, and how do you know about xen3.3?May be you have used some important features on xen3.3:memory overcommit, VT-d device pass-through support,etc.

But you will see a more great version-xen4.0, you can expect features: accelerated guest networking, better migration control, VM checkpoint for hardware fault tolerance, native OVF support, GPU virtualization with Gallium, USB 2.0 suport, LVM snapshot of guest memory and guest disk.

Great, yes? Do you know that xen come from XenoServer at Cambridge, XenoServer derives from the Greek word “ ” o&” (xenos), which means foreign or unknown, much like the tasks that XenoServers accept and safely execute. Do you know that xen have been the most famous virtualization open source software.

And finally, do you know that xen have a growing competitor –KVM?



1 引言
2 变革前夕
3 困境
4 解密
5 云计算基础设施服务对于企业的影响
6 云计算基础设施服务对于地区信息化和IT产业的影响
7 行动

1 引言

2007年末,Cloud Computing这个单词在英文中出现,2008年初,Cloud Computing在中文中被翻译为“云计算”。在IT业界以外的人士看来,这是一个蹩脚的单词,是一个横空出世的单词,是一个自诞生以来不知为何受到持续关注和热捧的单词。但是,在IT资深人士和业内人士看来,这个单词代表的是一种全新的商业模式趋势,是一个继PC时代、网络时代后的IT新时代的代名词。PC时代成就了IBM、微软、惠普、戴尔、甲骨文、SAP等IT巨头,网络时代成就了思科、Yahoo、Google、Amazon、EBay等跨国企业,云计算时代,将有谁能借机崛起?

2 变革前夕
在中国,百度搜索引擎上搜索“中国 云计算”或者“云计算”,出现的是十多个云计算新闻追踪类网站,有的是整个网站都是关注云计算,也有的是大型网站开出专栏介绍、讨论云计算。在中国,第一届云计算大会将于5月在城市由中国电子学会主持召开,专门探讨云计算对技术发展和商业趋势的影响。
Amazon由于AWS服务(Amazon Web Service)被视为云计算的先行者,随着2008年Google 的Appengine和微软的Azue的推出,Google和微软被视为云计算市场的新参与者,IBM则在09年初推出云计算方案,被视为企业云计算市场的开拓者。目前,IBM在云计算业务上投入的收购、研发和整合成本已超过20亿美元,建设其位于美国北卡罗莱纳州的“公司历史上最复杂”的云计算中心就将耗资3.6亿美元。
l 2008年7月29日,雅虎、英特尔和惠普公司宣布,未来三家公司将结成一个研究联盟,共同组队创建一项名为“测试平台”的云计算研究项目,推进云计算技术的发展。该项目还包括新加坡资通讯发展局、依俐诺伊大学香槟分校、德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院以及美国国家科学基金会等单位。
l 2008年末,Oracle和Intel在本周的OracleWorld会议上共同声明,他们将共同致力于企业云计算加密技术,为用户隐私提供更强大的保护。
l 2009年1月16日,Adobe在周一宣布旗下的服务器软件Adobe LiveCycle ES Developer Express将跃上Amazon Web Services(AWS)云计算平台,结合Amazon的EC 2云计算服务及S3存储服务,提供企业开发人员可以测试并开发Adobe LiveCycle ES应用程序。
l 2009年2月3日上午消息,据国外媒体报道,微软本周表示,将“继续在网络服务、搜索、云计算等大多数已经投资的领域继续招聘”。尽管微软已经裁员5000人,但该公司表示,未来18个月内计划另外招聘约2000-3000个职位。虽然微软在整体上需要削减开支,但该公司将补充新员工以支持对战略发展有重要影响的部门。
l 2009年2月16日,IBM和Juniper展示了一项让用户在私有云和公共云——或者数据中心之间迁移工作负载的技术。
l 2009年2月17日,IBM宣布即将把一部分基础架构软件作为一项按需服务通过Amazon Web Services提供给用户。用户可以通过付费即用的方式利用Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)使用IBM软件进行配置和生产。这款软件包括IBM的DB2、Informix Dynamic Server、WebSphere Portal和Lotus Web Content Management。IBM表示,未来还将扩展支持IBM的Tivoli management软件来帮助用户更好地管理云架构。
l 2009年除亚马逊公布的08年财报中用较大篇幅描述了其AWS服务,有人分析,其AWS服务08年约产生了2亿美元营收。
l 08年末SUN在收购Qlayer,计划于2009三月十八日详述其进军云计算系统领域的计划。2008年10月15日,Citrix发表云计算策略及虚拟化产品,并在08年末发布其云计算产品C3。虚拟化软件供应商Vmware公司09年初发布其云计算方案vcloud。
l 09年2月25日,VMware宣布将保证支持所有云服务供应商之间的开放标准。根据这项计划,系统开发商将能够在不同虚拟环境之间迁移应用软件,还可以与外部云资源互动。 VMware营销高管John Gilmartin预计,这将改变企业建立和运行应用软件的方式。VMware的联盟系统可能会让计算服务以一种公用资源的方式出现在市场上,就象电力和水资源那样。

l 2008年创立的Mosso公司产品增加到3个,并计划推出第四个。
l Gogrid推出云托管服务与亚马逊AWS服务竞争。
l 2008年,云计算软件公司Enomalism创始人收到40多个投资人电话,要求投资。成立两年的云计算软件公司Qlayer被SUN收购。2009年初,
l 成立两年的云计算软件公司3Tera继07年被评为最值得关注公司后持续收到关注,被评为最好的云计算服务提供商。
l 开源云计算软件Eucalyptus的创建者受到投资公司资助创立公司。

Google搜索引擎工具Google Trends提供关键词的搜索趋势查询,我们可以利用该工具看看Cloud Computing在搜索引擎上的热度:

从Google Trend 获取的信息我们可以看到,云计算在2007年末才被该系统统计,并且一直处于上升趋势。而同时,网格计算呈现下降趋势,主机租用已经呈现下降趋势,与虚拟化并驾齐驱,但发展势头明显强于虚拟化。
据分析,Amazon AWS服务2008年营收已经达到2亿美元,每年保持30%以上的增长。尽管总收入规模相对于Amazon的在线商店销售规模还很小,但其年增长率和Amazon年报中对AWS服务的重点描述,已经证明Amazon对该业务的重视。
3 困境

4 解密
狭义的云计算是一种资源交付和使用模式,指通过网络获得应用所需的资源(硬件、平台、软件)。提供资源的网络被称为“云”。“云”中的资源在使用者看来是可以无限扩展的,并且可以随时获取。这种特性经常被比喻为像水电一样使用硬件资源,按需购买和使用。 广义的云计算则是指服务的交付和使用模式。
¡ 快速部署
¡ 缩小主机规模
¡ 提高资源利用率
¡ 提高管理效率
¡ 降低运维成本
¡ 基础设施可以放置在低土地和能源成本的地区
¡ 提供商业连续性服务
¡ 提高服务水平
¡ 复杂的体系结构
¡ 商业模式和理念的转变

¡ 自愈合
¡ 多用户使用
¡ 虚拟化
¡ 线形扩展
¡ 资源监控和测量
¡ 快速部署
¡ 按使用付费


云计算基础设施服务向客户出售服务器、存储、网络设备、带宽等基础设施资源,该市场主要参与者目前有:Amazon AWS、Mosso(Rackspace)、Gogrid、Gridlayer。


5 云计算基础设施服务对于企业的影响

l 那些复杂,容易出错并有风险的安装通常需要很长时间来实现
l 复杂的环境,管理和维护起来非常苦难
l 旧的操作系统非常难于重新配置
l 不同环境之间的矛盾应该统一,标准化.
l 缺少硬件资源支持正在进行的项目
l 快速的提供设备以及部署软件参数和环境,用于开发,测试和生产.
l 当应用已经不能跑在当前的物理服务器上或者服务器出问题可以快速简单的提供新的虚拟服务器.
l 通过克隆系统和复制镜像让开发,测试和生产环境的服务器的配置一致.
l 通过快照迅速恢复到以前的环境状态.
l 将应用以及连带的操作系统一起迁移到其他主机.
l 排除硬件限制.比如一个虚拟机可以从一个 AMD 主机 移到一个 Intel 主机.

l 大量空闲软硬件的消耗.
l 及其昂贵的灾备软件和服务.
l 复杂的管理环境.
l 每周都要进行定期的维护.
l 冗余服务器的低效率.
l 增加应用的在线时间.
l 用更少的硬件搭建多种灵活的,高质量的灾备解决方案.
l 实时监控报警.
l 通过方便的备份减少计划停机时间.
l 快速的备份恢复过程.
l 企业IT基础设施一次性投入成本高昂的问题
l 企业IT基础设施管理与维护的复杂性问题
l 大规模服务器快速部署问题
l 企业IT基础设施利用率提升问题
l 基础设施SOA服务技术
l 数据存储可靠性问题
¡ 不需要为一次性任务或罕见的负载状况准备大量设备
¡ 按需扩展资源
¡ 使应用具有高可用性
¡ 快速部署应用
¡ 按使用付费
¡ 降低总体拥有成本

6 云计算基础设施服务对于地区信息化和IT产业的影响
  国务院颁布的“国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要 (2006━2020年)”中,在现代服务业信息支撑技术及大型应用软件中指出:“重点研究开发金融、物流、网络教育、传媒、医疗、旅游、电子政务和电子商务等现代服务业领域发展所需的高可信网络软件平台及大型应用支撑软件、中间件、嵌入式软件、网格计算平台与基础设施,软件系统集成等关键技术,提供整体解决方案”。云计算基础设施服务符合高可信网络软件平台及大型应用支撑软件方向。
u 为软件服务、平台服务等信息化服务提供稳定的,低总体投入成本(TCO)和高投资回报率(ROI)的IT基础设施服务,为信息技术从产品向服务的转化提供基础支撑服务
u 快速部署且按需扩展基础设施,提高业务连续性,提高数据可靠性,使企业专注在产品和核心竞争力,提高创新企业竞争优势
u 基础设施低进入成本、按需支付以及服务的高可靠性和易用性,降低传统企业信息化的资金和技术门槛,促进传统服务业的提升和改造
u 提高资源使用效率,节约基础设施资源和能源消耗
u 支持传统行业信息化建设的深入,高效和充分利用IT科技的发展成果。
u 帮助IT企业实现资源共享和复用,降低企业IT设施的资金和能源消耗,增强企业盈利能力和企业竞争力
u 孵化一批平台服务化和软件服务化企业,为这类企业提供便捷和高效的基础设施服务
n 云计算基础设施服务及其带动的产业链规模巨大,具国外权威机构统计,IT基础设施和软件服务平台产业链将在未来5年内达到5000亿美元的规模。Amazon公司的基础设施服务年收入超过1亿美元。而基于基础设施服务平台,带动了以软件服务为代表的整个IT服务产业发展,同时加速了传统行业的信息化发展进程,其带动和影响的关联领域将产生巨大的联动经济利益。
ü 目前中国SaaS市场总体规模达到157.5亿元人民币,未来3-5年,中国SaaS市场将进入快速发展的阶段。2012年中国SaaS市场规模将达到521亿元人民币(CCW research)
ü 截止至2007年,我国的中小企业的信息化水平尚处于初级阶段,中小企业信息化率不足10%,有着巨大的市场发展潜力,未来三年将缔造5000亿元的市场,未来5年中小企业IT市场规模将保持21.5%的复合增长。(CCID)
ü 预计2010年中小企业信息化市场将达到2476.3亿元的规模,2005年到2010年年均增长率达到19.2%,显示出了巨大的需求潜力。(《2007-2008年中国中小企业信息化发展研究年度报告》)
n 云计算基础设施服务可以有效支撑平台服务商和软件服务商提供服务,能以较低的技术门槛、较低的投资门槛、按需的基础设施服务催生平台服务化和软件服务化产业链。
n 云计算基础设施服务将驱动规模化、绿色节能的大型数据中心建设和整合。
n 云计算基础设施服务将驱动高密度计算和存储设备的创新和部署

n 云计算基础设施服务让科技企业摆脱底层基础设施的束缚,将主要精力和资源放在核心竞争力的提升,同时,基于稳定的基础设施平台,有利于企业将核心技术从产品向服务的转化,为用户提供更好的服务。
n 云计算基础设施服务能够实现大规模扩展,加速企业发展,社会进步。
n 云计算基础设施服务可能填补国内多项科学研究空白,跻身国际先进行列,能培养一批具有国际领先水平的云计算领域专家。
n 云计算基础设施服务促进国内相关技术的工程师和研究人员队伍发展,并通过与相关单位的合作,提高科研水平
n 云计算基础设施服务促进IT产业绿色化,起到直接的节能减排、提高资源利用率的作用
n 建立具有国际竞争力的基础设施服务,避免未来云计算基础设施服务被几家跨国巨头控制的局面对我过信息安全和信息产业核心竞争力产生威胁
n 为搭建云计算基础设施服务产业链、降低科技企业尤其是互联网企业创业门槛、提高企业IT竞争力起到基础的平台型作用
n 云计算基础设施服务带来资源利用率提升可大大降低信息化在基础设施上的能源消耗、资本性支持和运营管理性支出。

简言之,云计算基础设施服务不但能为地区成为云计算市场领先者奠定国际处,还能为IT和互联网科技企业起到带动作用,对传统行业的信息化起到支撑作用,有效提升科技企业创新能力,促进传统企业信息化进程,为培育SasS企业和Web2.0企业提供基础, 降低IT企业创业门槛,推动创业和IT企业的发展,能产生巨大的联动经济效益和社会效益。
7 行动


云计算--第三次IT革命 Cloud Computing Revolution--the third IT industry revolution

¡ 云计算简介
¡ 为什么现在发生云计算变革
¡ 云计算对IT产业的影响
¡ 云计算如何改变人类社会

Introduction to Cloud computing
Why does cloud computing revolution come now
How Cloud computing change IT industry
How Cloud computing change the world

¡ 云计算是IT产业的第三次变革,前两次是个人计算机变革和互联网变革。
¡ 个人计算机变革从80年代到整个90年代。
¡ 互联网变革发生在九十年代及最近十年。
¡ 云计算变革,从现在开始。。。
Cloud computing is the third revolution of IT industry, following the Personal computer revolution and the Internet revolution.
Personal computer revolution happens at 1980s and 1990s.
Internet revolution happens at 1990s and last 10 years.
Cloud computing revolution, happens, now…

¡ 个人计算机变革将昂贵的、只在特殊行业中使用的大型主机变成每个人都可以负担得起都能使用的个人电脑,提高了个人的工作效率和企业的生产效率。
¡ 个人计算机变革中诞生了一批伟大的公司:IBM、微软、惠普、戴尔、甲骨文、SAP等。
Personal computer revolution change the expensive mainframe only used in special industries, to personal computer everybody can afford, it improved personal work efficiency and company’s production efficiency.
Numbers of great companies come from this revolution: IBM, Microsoft, HP, Dell, Oracle, Sap, etc...

¡ 互联网变革将数亿计的单个信息孤岛汇集成庞大的信息网络,方便了信息的发布、收集、检索、共享,极大提高了人类沟通和共享以及协作的效率,丰富了人类的社交和娱乐。
¡ 互联网变革中诞生了一批伟大的公司:思科、Yahoo、Google、Amazon、EBay等 。
Internet revolution join billions of information island to a huge information network, make it convenient to publish/collect/index/sharing information, highly improved people’s communication/sharing/collaboration efficiency, enriched people’s social life and entertainment.
Numbers of great companies come from this revolution:Cisco systems, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, Ebay, etc…

¡ 云计算变革将信息产业变成绿色环保和资源节约型产业,将IT基础设施变成如水电一样按需使用和付费的社会公用基础设施,将软件产业变成传统工业流水线一样的高效产业,极大地简化企业的IT管理,有效降低企业的IT基础设施成本,全面提高社会整体信息化水平,将所有电子产品变成具备无限性能和容量的设备,信息化将成为社会的组织的、个人的基本属性。
¡ 如果需要了解云计算,可以在互联网上查找我的另一个Presentation:云计算介绍。
Cloud computing revolution will change information technology to green and resource saving industry, make the IT infrastructure to social public Infrastructure like the water and electric with use on demand and pay per use, make the software industry to a high efficiency industry like the traditional industry pipeline, simplify corporate IT management greatly, reduce corporate IT infrastructure cost greatly, improve the informationization level of the social entirely, make all the electric products to devices with infinity performance and capacity, informationization will be organization and individual’s basic property.
If you need to get a basic understanding of cloud computing, please search my other presentation: Introduction to cloud computing.

¡ 狭义云计算是指IT基础设施的交付和使用模式,指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式交付和获得所需的资源(硬件、平台、软件)。 提供资源的网络被称为“云”。“云”中的资源在使用者看来是可以无限扩展的,并且可以随时获取,按需使用,随时扩展,按使用付费。这种特性经常被称为像水电一样使用IT基础设施。
¡ 广义云计算是指服务的交付和使用模式,指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所需的服务。这种服务可以是IT和软件、互联网相关的,也可以使任意其他的服务。
Cloud computing key features
The narrow cloud computing is a IT infrastructure deliver and usage model, means deliver and use the resource(hardware,plateform,software) with on-demand and easy to scale through internet. The network to provide resource is called cloud, the cloud seems like scalable infinitely, can get it anytime, and use and scale it on demand, pay per use.
The generalized cloud computing is a service deliver and usage model, means deliver and use the service with on-demand and easy to scale through internet. These service can have relation with IT/software/Internet, or any another service.

¡ 云计算是一场IT变革,是一场提高社会生产力的IT变革,是一场推动社会整体信息化的IT变革,是一系列具有相同核心特征的商业模式集合。
¡ 云计算不是一种商业模式,不是一种付费模式,不是一种IT技术,不是一类IT产品,不是SOA,不是虚拟化或虚拟化软件,不是简单地将购买变为租赁,不是分布式计算,不是高性能计算,不是网格计算,不是软件即服务。
Cloud computing is what, isn’t what
Cloud computing is an IT revolution, an IT revolution to improve the social productivity, an IT revolution to advance the infomationization of the whole society, is a collection of business models with the same core features.
Cloud computing is not one business model, is not a kind of payment method, is not an IT technology, is not an IT product, is not SOA, is not virtualization or virtualization management softewrae, is not simply the change of purchase to lease, is not distributed computing, is not high performance computing, is not grid computing, is not Saas.

— 虚拟化技术的快速发展
— CPU等硬件的快速发展
— 宽带网络的快速发展
— 企业对IT基础设施的需求快速增长
— 互联网行业对IT基础设施的需求变化迅速
— 市场对云计算商业模式逐渐认可
— 少数云计算先行者已经获得一定成功
— 经济危机迫使用户降低总体拥有成本和减少一次性投入

Why does this cloud computing revolution come? Like any other revolution, it is a result of the technology progress, market requirement drive, business model transition. The major driving factors include:
The virtualization tech and market's fast develop
The hardware's fast develop, like CPU and network device
The wide band network's fast develop
The fast increase of corporate IT infrastructure requirement
The fast change and time-to-market requirement of Internet application
The recognize of cloud computing business models
Some cloud computing pioneers seems earning money
Economy crisis force companies to cut cost

¡ 对服务器和桌面电脑领域的影响
¡ 对芯片制造商的影响
¡ 对基础设施外包服务的影响
¡ 对互联网应用的影响
¡ 对传统桌面应用的影响
¡ 对中小企业的IT部门的影响
¡ 对大型企业的IT部门的影响
¡ 对平台即服务产业的影响
¡ 对软件开发的影响
¡ 对软件销售的影响
¡ 对宽带运营商的影响
¡ 对嵌入式设备的影响
¡ 对信息安全领域的影响

How cloud computing change IT industry?
Cloud computing will give many IT domains revolutionary impact:
Chip design and manufacture
Server and PC
IT infrastructure out sourcing
Internet application
Desktop application
IT department of SME
IT department of big enterprise
Platform as a service
Software develop
Software distribution
Broad band operator
Embedded device and handset
Information security
Some impact will be seen in recent year, and others need 5 to 15 years. And some other impact we can not forecast currently, but certainly it will change the IT industry structure.

Cloud computing impact on server and PC
Cloud computing revolution will increase the difference between server and PC. The servers will have the increasing performance requirement, maybe develop according the Moore's Law. But the PC not always have this requirement.
Servers will provide better support to hardware virtualization, remote management, power saving management. The performance of network and storage will improved greatly.
PC will pursue cost-effective and suitable to maintain agility, Cost-effective, convenient, low-cost. PC will not always pursue high performance or frequent hardware upgrade.
PC’s hardware and OS will give better support to broad band network.
At the same time, the difference of PC/laptop/netbook/mobile telephone will less and less, especially, laptop/netbook/mobile telephone will merge to a super terminal, this terminal have the performance and function of current laptop, but the size will be similar to telephone.

• 处理器芯片厂商更好支持处理器虚拟化和存储管理
• 服务器网卡芯片将需要更好支持网络虚拟化
• 存储芯片将更好支持存储虚拟化和容量扩展
• 个人电脑和其他移动设备将采用对移动宽带网络支持更好的无线接入芯片
Cloud computing impact on chip industry
Cloud computing, with it’s impact on IT industry, will force chip designer and manufacture:
Processor company support Processor virtualization and memory management
Network adapter and router/switch company support network virtualization better
Disc company support storage virtualization and capacity scale better
Network adapter support wireless broad band access better

Cloud computing impact on IT infrastructure outsourcing
IT infrastructure provider will have to implement:
¡ Fast Provision
¡ Reduce servers scale
¡ Increase resource utilization rate
¡ Improve management efficiency
¡ Lower maintenance cost
¡ Location of infrastructure in areas with lower costs of real estate and electricity
¡ Provide business continuity service
¡ Improve management efficiency
¡ Improve service levels
¡ Complex architecture
¡ Change of business model and faith

Cloud computing impact on Internet application
After using infrastructure cloud, servers can scale automatically, storage resource can scale infinitely, database can scale infinitely, load balance can adjust automatically, it will be easy to build a large scale network application.
Some Paas provider will make the task of deploy and scale a network application to click some buttions.
And with the cloud computing infrastructure service’s increasing, Paas provider will arise more and more to conform infrastructure and application develop platform.


Cloud computing impact on traditional desktop application.
With the rise of Paas and Saas, network application will be more and more, some of the Internet application can replace desktop application directly.
Applications based on browser can replace 90% of desktop applications in next 5years, but this replication is not obligatory.
Using remote desktop or desktop virtualization, all the desktop application can be on the internet, but is not obligatory.
The applications based on Internet will exceed desktop application in 8 years, and get to 80:20.

Cloud computing impact on SME IT department
The IT infrastructure investment of SME will decrease, the software company and Internet company’s initial hardware investment will decrease greatly.
Non-IT companies can not have IT department, or no need to have servers besides office computer, they can use standard or customized remote corporate database service.
SME can use few stuff, with using Paas and Sass service, to have large business.

Cloud computing impact on IT department of big enterprise
Big enterprise will experience three phase: use public cloud for non-critical business, use hybrid cloud for critical business, use public cloud for critical cloud.
The employees of IT department will have a little decrease, but only a little. Cloud computing will give cost-saving and management-convenient to companies, but there will be other problems to deal with because of cloud computing.
IT department can monitor the resource consumption of very business or department, and do internal capital settlement, and this will force the business develop and operation department to save IT resource.

Cloud computing impact on Paas
Cloud computing infrastructure service give many benefits, and the kind of these service will increase, there will be Paas provider to consolidate these service and shield the difference of different IaaS, to give more convenience to application develop.
Paas will drive midware market and software assemble pipeline.

Cloud computing impact on software develop
Cloud computing operating system will come, it will shield Iaas api and Paas service, form a uniform Cloud computing OS API.
It will be possible to develop auto-scale distributed software.
New software develop model will come with new programming language. The traditional memory scale, memory cache, server scale, database scale, storage capacity scale, backup will not be developer’s main problem, it will be resolved by Paas and cloud computong OS.

Cloud computing impact on software distribution
Saas model revenue will exceed license model revenue in 10 years, license model will only used in special industry.
Free and open source software with the service-pay model will increase.
Most of Opensrouce/Free/propriety software will be distributed online, cloud computing give great convenience for online sell.

Cloud computing impact on broad band operators
In the next ten years, broad band operators will need two major network device upgrades. The first are going, and will last for some years because of the fast develop of online video and SNS website. The second will take place five years later, cloud computing revolution produce more requirements on band rate and quality.
Broad band operators can provide IaaS service with IaaS provider, but they will fail to launch IaaS by themselves.

Cloud computing impact on embedded and handset device
Performance of embedded and handset device will be improved, but not infinitely, to be a suitable cloud client is enough.
Intelligent Mobile and laptop will mostly use IaaS.
Intelligent Home Appliances will connect to Internet, people can control home appliances through Internet.
The size of Mobile Internet will exceed desktop-access internet. By the way, Mobile operators, broad band operators, mobile terminal manufactures will fail at trying to control Internet entry or content.

Cloud computing impact on information security
Antivirus and hacker will still be there. Cloud computing give convenience to standard client and client management, but this can not prevent attack action.
Antivirus model will change. Antivirus models based on virus database and virtual machine will exist, but the effect is not good.
There will be security search engine corporate. After the engine’s working, it will monitor the computer’s action and all the application and all the website pages, and it will analysis the applications and web pages based on it’s action throughput the whole network.

How cloud computing change the world?
Cloud computing as the third IT revolution, not only impact IT industry, but also deeply impact human society, such as:
Most industry’s informationization and intellectualization will improved greatly.
Human society will be a information-centric society.
Information system will be the basic condition for a company.
The IT and information system can be migrated to different providers.

Most industry’s informationization and intellectualization will improved greatly
Embedded device, sensor, artificial intelligence device will be use broadly in many industries.
There will be sensors and manipulator at the manufacture pipeline, instead of workers.
Robot will do all the dangerous work for human.
Corporate will manage embedded device, sensor, artificial intelligence device on cloud computing Iaas.


Human society will be a information-centric society
Every people will have two heads: body head and information head.
A major part of actions of the organization and corporate will be performed on Internet.
Network will be social infrastructure like water and electric.
Wireless broad band will replace mobile communication.



云计算介绍 Introduction to cloud computing

1 引言... 1
2 云计算定义... 2
3 云计算与IT技术... 3
4 云计算使用模式... 3
5 云计算的影响... 4
6 云计算对服务提供商意味着什么... 4
7 云计算对于用户意味着什么... 5
8 云计算基础设施基本特征... 5
9 云计算的关联概念... 6
10 云计算异军突起... 6
11 效用计算... 7
12 云计算和效用计算的比较... 8
13 分布式计算... 8
14 网格计算... 9
15 云计算与网格计算的不同点... 9
16 服务器集群... 10
17 虚拟化... 11
18 云计算存在的难题... 11
19 云计算架构... 12
20 10个使用云计算服务的企业... 13
21 云计算市场划分和参与者... 14
22 云计算开源项目... 18
23 使用云计算服务的风险... 18

1 引言

Cloud computing, at backside of this buzzword, is a concept like the flower in the glass. Every enterprise and person, want to explain this concept by their own benefits. But, if give a neutral definition to it, begin it here.

2 云计算定义

Cloud computing definition
Cloud computing is a resource delivery and usage model, it means get resource (Hardware, software)via network. The network of providing resource is called ‘Cloud’. The hardware resource in the ‘Cloud’ seems scalable infinitely and can be used whenever.(Refer to:http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid26_gci1287881,00.html
3 云计算与IT技术
云计算是随着处理器技术、虚拟化技术、分布式存储技术、宽带互联网技术和自动化管理技术的发展而产生的. 这种大规模的计算能力通常是由分布式的大规模集群和服务器虚拟化软件搭建。

Cloud computing and technology
New advances in processors, virtualization technology, distributed storage, broadband Internet access , automated management and fast, inexpensive servers have all combined to make cloud computing a compelling paradigm.This vast process power is usually got with a distributed, large-scale server cluster and server virtualization software.
4 云计算使用模式

Cloud computing usage model
In traditional computing model, tasks are completed using a single desktop computer. In the client/serer model, tasks are completed using a remote server. In cloud computing model, tasks are completed using ‘Cloud’-a network super computer.Cloud computing allows users and companies to pay for and use the services and storage that they need, when they need them and, as wireless broadband connection options grow, where they need them. Customers can be billed based upon server utlilization, processing power used or bandwidth consumed.

5 云计算的影响

Cloud computing impact
As a result, cloud computing has the potential to upend the software industry entirely, as applications are purchased, licensed and run over the network instead of a user's desktop. This shift will put data centers and their administrators at the center of the distributed network, as processing power, electricity, bandwidth and storage are all managed remotely. It affects not only business models, but the underlying architecture of how we develop, deploy, run and deliver applications.

6 云计算对服务提供商意味着什么
What cloud computing means to service provider?
Fast Provision
Reduce servers scale
Increase resource utilization rate
Improve management efficiency
Lower maintenance cost
Location of infrastructure in areas with lower costs of real estate and electricity
Provide business continuity service
Improve management efficiency
Improve service levels
Complex architecture
Change of business model and faith

7 云计算对于用户意味着什么
What cloud computing means to suers?
Lower client workload
Lower Total Cost Ownership
Separation of infrastructure maintenance duties from domain-specific application development
 Separation of application code from physical resources
Not have to purchase assets for one-time or infrequent intensive computing tasks
Expand resource on-demand
Make the application have high availability
Quickly deploy application
Pay per use

8 云计算基础设施基本特征
Cloud computing infrastructure features
Linearly Scalable
Resource Monitor and measure
Resource registration and discovery

9 云计算的关联概念

Cloud computing’s brother buzzwords
Cloud computing is becoming one of the next industry buzz words. And it has more or less relation with these words: grid computing, utility computing, virtualization, server cluster, Dedicated server, Colocation. Cloud computing infrastructure usually use virtualization technology, and is built based on a server cluster, have nature relation to grid computing and utility computing, and is use to compete with Dedicated server and Colocation.
10 云计算异军突起
相对与云计算的兄弟概念而言,云计算只是刚刚兴起。从Google Trend 获取的信息我们可以看到,云计算在2007年末才被该系统统计,并且一直处于上升趋势。而同时,网格计算、效用计算、分布式计算的概念却呈现下降趋势。云计算和虚拟化应该会在托管平台上有所作为,而主机租用已经呈现下降趋势。

Cloud computing break out
Compared to its brother buzzwords, cloud computing is just beginning. Trends in usage of the terms from Google searches shows Cloud Computing is a relatively new term introduced in the past year. There has also been a decline in general interest of Grid, Utility and Distributed computing.
Cloud Computing and Virtualization are the next hot hosting platforms; the Dedicated server term is slowly starting to lose ground vs. Virtualization and Cloud Computing.
11 效用计算
Utility computing
Utility computing is a business model of providing computing resource, user get and use the computing resource from service provider and pay for practically used resource. To say it simply, it is a price model based on resource usage quantity. The main benefit of utility computing is better economics. Corporate data centers are notoriously underutilized, with resources such as servers often idle 85 percent of the time. This is due to overprovisioning — buying more hardware than is needed on average in order to handle peaks (such as the opening of the Wall Street trading day or the holiday shopping season), to handle expected future loads and to prepare for unanticipated surges in demand. Utility computing allows companies to only pay for the computing resources they need, when they need them.
12 云计算和效用计算的比较
效用计算是是一种分发应用所需资源的计费模式。 云计算是一种计算模式, 代表了在某种程度上共享资源进行设计、开发、部署、运行应用,以及资源的可扩展收缩和对应用连续性的支持。效用计算通常需要云计算基础设施支持,但并不是一定需要。同样,在云计算之上可以提供效用计算,也可以不采用效用计算。

Comparison of Utility Computing and Cloud Computing
Utility computing is a business model, it is a type of price model to deliver application infrastructure resource. Cloud computing is a computing model, relates to the way we design, build, deploy and run applications that operate in a sharing resources and boasting the ability to dynamically grow, shrink and self-heal. Utility computing is often need a cloud computing infrastructure, but not must need. Sameness, above the cloud computing, we can adopt utility computing, and, we can adopt other price model.


13 分布式计算

Distributed Computing
Distributed computing deals with hardware and software systems containing more than one processing element or storage element, concurrent processes, or multiple programs, running under a loosely or tightly controlled regime.In distributed computing, a program is split up into parts that run simultaneously on multiple computers communicating over a network. Distributed computing is a form of parallel computing, but parallel computing is most commonly used to describe program parts running simultaneously on multiple processors in the same computer. Both types of processing require dividing a program into parts that can run simultaneously, but distributed programs often must deal with heterogeneous environments, network links of varying latencies, and unpredictable failures in the network or the computers.
14 网格计算
Grid computing
Grid computing is a term for either of two broad subcategories of distributed computing: 1 Online computation or storage offered as a service supported by a pool of distributed computing resources, also known as utility computing, on-demand computing, or cloud computing. Data grids provide controlled sharing and management of large amounts of distributed data, often used in combination with computational grids. 2 The creation of a "virtual supercomputer" composed of a network of loosely-coupled computers, acting in concert to perform very large tasks. This technology has been applied to computationally-intensive scientific, mathematical, and academic problems through volunteer computing, and it is used in commercial enterprises for such diverse applications as drug discovery, economic forecasting, seismic analysis, and back-office data processing in support of e-commerce and web services.

15 云计算与网格计算的不同点
Difference between Cloudcomputing and grid computing
Grid computing emphasizes on resource sharing, every grid node can apply for resource from other nodes, and every node should contribute resource to the grid. The focus of grid computing is on the ability of moving a workload to the location of theneeded computing resources, which are mostly remote and are readily available for use.Grids also require applications to conform to the grid software interfaces.
Cloud computing emphasize on proprietary, every user out of the cloud can get it’s own private resource from the cloud, and the cloud resource are provided by the specific service provider, the user need not contribute its resource. In a cloud environment, computing resouces, such as servers, can be dynamically shaped or carved out from its underlying hardware infrastructure and made available to a workload. In addition, while a cloud does support grid, a cloud can also support nongrid environments,such as a three-tier Web architecture running traditional or Web 2.0 applications.
Grid computing emphasizes on computing sensitive task, and is difficult to automated scale. Cloud computing emphasizes on transactional application, a great amount of separate request, and can scale automatically or semiautomatically.

16 服务器集群

Computer cluster
A computer cluster is a group of coupled computers that work together closely so that in many respects they can be viewed as though they are a single computer. The components of a cluster are commonly, but not always, connected to each other through fast local area networks. Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance and/or availability over that provided by a single computer, while typically being much more cost-effective than single computers of comparable speed or availability.[1]
Grids tend to be more loosely coupled, heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed, grid computers do not fully trust each other.

17 虚拟化

Virtualization is a broad term that refers to the abstraction of computer resources. Virtualization hides the physical characteristics of computing resources from their users, be they applications, or end users.[1] This includes making a single physical resource (such as a server, an operating system, an application, or storage device) appear to function as multiple virtual resources; it can also include making multiple physical resources (such as storage devices or servers) appear as a single virtual resource.[2]
Virtualization technology is a aggregative term of technical means and methods to implement virtualization. It can be divided to many types based on objects: storage virtualization, computing virtualization, network virtualization. Computing virtualization include:OS level virtualization, application level virtualization, hyper visor. Hypervisor include: host vm and guest vm.
18 云计算存在的难题

Difficulties for cloud computing

Continuous high availability
Interoperability and standarlization
Scalability of all components
Data secrecy
Legal and political problem of data store and translation across regions

Performance issue
Difficulty customizing
Organizational obstacle

19 云计算架构

Cloud computing infrastructure architecture

The physical hardware layer is virtualized to provide a flexible adaptive platform to improve resource utilization. The keys to new enterprise data center infrastructure services are the next two layers, the virtualization environment and management layer. The combination of these two layers ensure that resources in a data center are efficiently managed and can be provisioned, deployed, and configured rapidly.

20 10个使用云计算服务的企业
The NY TimesAmazon EC2
NasdaqAmazon S3
Major League BaseballJoyent
ESPNRightscale using Amazon EC2
HasbroAmazon EC2
British Telecom3Tera
Taylor WoodrowGoogle Apps
CSSAmazon EC2
ActivisionAmazon EC2
Business Objects (A SAP Company)Rightscale using Amazon EC2

10 examples of entpereises using the clouds:
The NY TimesAmazon EC2
NasdaqAmazon S3
Major League BaseballJoyent
ESPNRightscale using Amazon EC2
HasbroAmazon EC2
British Telecom3Tera
Taylor WoodrowGoogle Apps
CSSAmazon EC2
ActivisionAmazon EC2
Business Objects (A SAP Company)Rightscale using Amazon EC2

21 云计算市场划分和参与者
3Tera - AppLogic grid OS used as cloud computing platform by service providers and enterprises
Appistry - Cloud computing middleware - Enables easily scalable cloud computing in the enterprise.
Cassatt - Cassatt Active Response platform enables administrators to set policies to power physical and virtual servers safely on and off and pool their computing resources.
CloudScale Networks - Cloud enabler. Currently in private ALPHA only
CloudHan - Cloud tech and infrastructure consultant, in China.
Enomaly Inc - Service Provider & Cloud Enabler - Developer of the Enomalism Elastic Computing Platform & Elastic Drive
Q-layer - provides software for data centers that enables cloud computing, support VSAN, VLAN, VPDC, currently support VMware ESX.
Skytap - IaaS service optimized for QA, Training, Demo, and Ops Testing. Supports VMware, Xen hypervisors & Windows, Linux & Solaris OS guests.
Agathon Group - Cloud provider. Services include highly available VPS, virtual private datacenters and ready-to-use LAMP stacks. Self-service ordering. Custom development and managed services available.
Amazon Web Services - Amazon EC2/S3 (Hardware-a-a-S & Cloud Storage)
CohesiveFT - CohesiveFT Elastic Server On-Demand
ElasticHosts - UK-based instant, on-demand servers in the cloud
Flexiscale - Another instant provisioner of web servers with some advanced features like auto-scaling coming soon.
GoGrid - instant, on-demand servers offering "control in the cloud". Deploy Windows/Linux servers via web-interface in minutes
GridLayer - Cloud Provider. A service by Layered Technologies that delivers Virtual Private Datacenters and virtual private servers from grids of commodity servers
LayeredTechnologies - Cloud Provider. provider of on-demand hosting and cloud and utility computing solutions through its brand GridLayer
Mosso - Rackspace's cloud hosting service
Newservers - Instant provisioning of web servers either Windows or Linux
Bungee Connect - Provides end to end tools and systems required to develop, deploy and host web applications (Platform as a Service)
Coherence - Oracle Coherence Data Grid for EC2 and other cloud platforms
Force.com - Salesforce.com's application development platform (PaaS)
GigaSpaces - middleware for the cloud, "cloudware"
Google AppEngine - (PaaS)Now support python
Heroku - Ruby on Rails in their Cloud
Qrimp - An AJAX based PaaS
RightScale - RightScale provides a platform and expertise that enable companies to create scalable web applications running on Amazon’s Web Services that are reliable, easy to manage, and cost less
CAM Solutions - SaaS Provider. Cloud Event Management, Autonomics and Monitoring-as-a-Service(TM)
CloudStatus- CloudEnabler. Real-time performance trending of cloud infrastructure (currently AWS).
Kaavo's IMOD is an easy to use online application. Cloud Computing Made Easy.
Microsoft Mesh
Nasstar - SaaS provider. Business grade Hosted Desktop service, UK market leaders.
Nirvanix - Cloud Storage
TrustSaaS - uptime monitoring and alerting service ('SaaS Weather Report') for Software as a Service (SaaS) run by an independent third party.
Cloud computing market
Cloud computing infrastructure tech&solution provider:
3Tera - AppLogic grid OS used as cloud computing platform by service providers and enterprises
Appistry - Cloud computing middleware - Enables easily scalable cloud computing in the enterprise.
Cassatt - Cassatt Active Response platform enables administrators to set policies to power physical and virtual servers safely on and off and pool their computing resources.
CloudScale Networks - Cloud enabler. Currently in private ALPHA only
Enomaly Inc - Service Provider & Cloud Enabler - Developer of the Enomalism Elastic Computing Platform & Elastic Drive
Q-layer - provides software for data centers that enables cloud computing, support VSAN, VLAN, VPDC, currently support VMware ESX.
Skytap - IaaS service optimized for QA, Training, Demo, and Ops Testing. Supports VMware, Xen hypervisors & Windows, Linux & Solaris OS guests.
Cloud computing infrastructure provider:
Agathon Group - Cloud provider. Services include highly available VPS, virtual private datacenters and ready-to-use LAMP stacks. Self-service ordering. Custom development and managed services available.
Amazon Web Services - Amazon EC2/S3 (Hardware-a-a-S & Cloud Storage)
CohesiveFT - CohesiveFT Elastic Server On-Demand
ElasticHosts - UK-based instant, on-demand servers in the cloud
Flexiscale - Another instant provisioner of web servers with some advanced features like auto-scaling coming soon.
GoGrid - instant, on-demand servers offering "control in the cloud". Deploy Windows/Linux servers via web-interface in minutes
GridLayer - Cloud Provider. A service by Layered Technologies that delivers Virtual Private Datacenters and virtual private servers from grids of commodity servers
LayeredTechnologies - Cloud Provider. provider of on-demand hosting and cloud and utility computing solutions through its brand GridLayer
Mosso - Rackspace's cloud hosting service
Newservers - Instant provisioning of web servers either Windows or Linux
Cloud computing Paas provider:
Bungee Connect - Provides end to end tools and systems required to develop, deploy and host web applications (Platform as a Service)
Coherence - Oracle Coherence Data Grid for EC2 and other cloud platforms
Force.com - Salesforce.com's application development platform (PaaS)
GigaSpaces - middleware for the cloud, "cloudware"
Google AppEngine - (PaaS)Now support python
Heroku - Ruby on Rails in their Cloud
Qrimp - An AJAX based PaaS
RightScale - RightScale provides a platform and expertise that enable companies to create scalable web applications running on Amazon’s Web Services that are reliable, easy to manage, and cost less
Service provider based on Cloud computing:
CAM Solutions - SaaS Provider. Cloud Event Management, Autonomics and Monitoring-as-a-Service(TM)
CloudStatus- CloudEnabler. Real-time performance trending of cloud infrastructure (currently AWS).
Kaavo's IMOD is an easy to use online application. Cloud Computing Made Easy.
Microsoft Mesh
Nasstar - SaaS provider. Business grade Hosted Desktop service, UK market leaders.
Nirvanix - Cloud Storage
TrustSaaS - uptime monitoring and alerting service ('SaaS Weather Report') for Software as a Service (SaaS) run by an independent third party.

22 云计算开源项目

Enomalism, convirt, redhat genome, hyperVM, lxlabs, LN, OpenNEbula, reservoir-fp7, scalr,eucalyptus,ganeti,gplhost,ovirt。

Useful open source projects to build cloud platform:
Kenso, hyperic, virt-P2V。

23 使用云计算服务的风险

Potencial issues in cloud computing
Privileged user access.
Regulatory compliance.
Data location.
Data segregation.
Investigative support.
Long-term viability.
